Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Kokiri Girl

Yesterday I dressed up in a some what elvish/fairy/Kokiri inspired outfit from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I was so happy when I opened up my Christmas present from my boyfriend to find a pair of adorable Navi the fairy earrings. So cute! Paired with some elf ears I got as a gift to myself this is the outfit I put together:

The shirt, the long vest thingy, and cute butterfly brown belt were all thrifted. The skirt was something I got on my trip to St. Augustine, and the boots are ebay. The shirt was the closest thing I could find in my closet to the green Kokiri tunics.

This was the first time I've ever worn any prosthetic ears, though I've been wanting for forever! These particular ones are Cinema Secrets Woochie ear tips (I think in particular these were the space/elf ear tips). Since I found it difficult to find any review of this brand online here is just my quick two cents. So far I really do like them. They were pretty easy to apply and seemed to blend well with my real ear. They came a blank unpainted color, but is easily fixed with concealer. So I like them. Once of these days I really want to try out some different kind of ears from Aradani since I like their designs or even maybe pick up a tutorial on making my own with some liquid latex. <3 And since all Kokiri kids have their own fairy guardian here is my new Navi earrings:

Here is my Navi earrings and I love them so much! They are from,  and they are silver-coated brass, which I tend to really like metal charms and things like this. And since a lot of people wonder were I get my name, yes it came from Ocarina of Time. So because I've been using the nickname Navi for nearly 10 years now, I hold a special little connection to this character, and my love for fairies to begin with. I love having her cutely float by my ears to keep me safe and whisper things like, "hey! look! watch out! listen!"

One more piece of jewelry which is one of my favorite things that I pretty much wear always is my bottled fairy dust necklace. I've had this for 6 or so years now, and I got the blue color originally to match Navi's color in the game. 

So am I Kokiri girl yet?! Or at least a Hylian child raised by the Great Deku Tree? <3

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